Tuesday, 8 December 2009
CFAD Meet With the IMC in Belfast

Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Arrests of CFAD Members was Politically Motivated
Friday, 27 November 2009
CFAD Respond to Statement by Nigel Dodds

A Chara,
CONCERNED FAMILIES AGAINST DRUGS (CFAD) categorically rejects the recent statement by Nigel Dodds M.P. In which he states we are a ‘vigilante group seeking to usurp the rule of law and order and using violence’ for our own ends. Unfortunately, Mr. Dodds has used comments by the IMC concerning CFAD to accuse us of ‘indulging in criminal attacks’.
CFAD have never been involved in actions described by the DUP Deputy-Leader and are at a loss as to why the MP has set us up as a target? This dangerous felon-setting has now targeted us and our activists for arrest, imprisonment or worse, killing by Loyalist Paramilitaries.
CFAD was established in September, 2008 as a radical and community-based collective to campaign against the upsurge of drug abuse and associated criminality in the Ardoyne area of North Belfast. Ever since, a number of Sinn Fein- linked Community Workers and certain Journalists have without evidence attempted to smear, vilify and criminalise us. To date, this particular strategy has failed miserably and in recent days, the Sunday World and right-wing North Belfast MP, Nigel Dodds have sought to link us with armed Republican groups.
We are an open and independent collective that consist of local parents, residents and community activists committed to tackling illegal drugs, raising awareness and building a safer community. We have also provided a focus for the community with a series of protests, exposures and of course community lobbying. We are not an armed group, nor are connected to any armed groups. The DUP Deputy-Leader, has yet had the decency to contact CFAD, ahead of issuing his allegations against us.
Finally we suggest, that the negative energies of the DUP/Sinn Fein and these Journalists would be better spent questioning the inactivity of highly-paid Community Workers and the PSNI who clearly do nothing to seriously combat drugs and related crime in working-class communities across North Belfast. Obviously this failure has created a void whereby Republican groups have exploited the situation. For our part, CFAD will continue to identify, expose and confront the scourge of drugs in Ardoyne and our anti-drug campaign will continue unabated.
Le Meas,
Martin Og Meehan
Wednesday, 18 November 2009
CFAD Highlight New Lodge Drug Find

Tuesday, 10 November 2009
IMC Respond to CFAD

The following e-mail was sent to the IMC on November 5th, 2009:
A chara,
'It is with great dismay and disgust that we witnessed your Commission named Concerned Families Against Drugs (CFAD) as being 'behind the rise in shootings and pipe-bombings in Belfast'.
Firstly, we would like to register our complaint that no-one from the IMC has had the decency to contact CFAD before including scurrilous allegations against us in your 22nd Report....
CFAD would also like to know, given the basis of your report. Where did you recieve your information? Where did the IMC gain this information from? Regards shootings and pipe-bombings etc, connected to drug dealers....CFAD have never been involved in such actions therefore, are at a loss as to why the IMC has set us up as a target? This dangerous felon-setting has now targeted us and our members for arrest, imprisonment or worse killing by Loyalist Paramilitaries.
CONCERNED FAMILIES AGAINST DRUGS (CFAD) was established in September, 2008 as a community-based, radical and campaigning pressure group. In response to growing problem of young people involved in drug abuse and associated criminality in the Ardoyne area of North Belfast. We consist of local parents, residents and community activists committed to addressing the scourge of drugs and building a safer community. Our aim is to tackle drug dealers, through an effective anti-drug campaign and raising awareness about the dangers of drugs. Since our foundation, CFAD has provided a focus to reduce the availability of drugs. With a series of protests, exposures and of course political and community lobbying.
CFAD challenenge you (IMC) to produce evidence of illegal activity by our open community group and if not then retract your statement. Otherwise, we will seek legal advice on this serious matter'.
Is Mise,
Martin Og Meehan
Concerned Families Against Drugs
Here is the IMC response, dated 10th November, 2009:
Dear Sir
Thank you for your recent communication.
The issues you have raised have been brought to the attention of the Commissioners for their consideration.
Yours faithfully
Alison J White
Joint Secretariat
CFAD now await a full apology from the IMC Commissioners........
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
CFAD Reject IMC Claims
CFAD categorically deny the scurrilous allegations levelled at our community group by the NON-Independant Monitoring Commission and so-called Sinn Fein 'community workers' who clearly do nothing to seriously try and combat the scourge of drugs and related crime in our areas.
These same inactivists call on our beleaguered communities to support the RUC/PSNI who readidly recruit the suppliers and dealers of death and destruction.....Statement Ends
Sunday, 27 September 2009
Lethal drug blamed for rise in number of people hospitalised

Saturday, 5 September 2009
Children find deadly drugs haul in street - CFAD
A DEADLY haul of drugs, including the powerful horse tranquilliser ket-amine, has been discovered by children after being abandoned in a north Belfast street. The mix, which included Class A drugs, was found by children playing in a built-up residential area in the Oldpark area of North Belfast this week. A local Parent then contacted CFAD who subsequently passed the haul to the Sacred Heart Parish Priest, Ciaran Dallat for safe disposal.........
Irish News - Allison Morris - 5/9/09
CFAD again demand that Drug Dealers come forward and make themselves accountable to the local community and immediately desist from their immoral trade........
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Political Arrest Due to CFAD Membership

Thursday, 18 June 2009
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Drug Awareness Nite
Find Out the Facts about Drugs.
Get Expert Help and Advice
Parents & Young People Welcome
Organised by CFAD in Association with
New Life Counselling.
Dunlewey Advice Centre.
Falls Community Council.
Monday, 11 May 2009
CFAD reply to Sean Cassidy letter
CFAD did not attempt to persuade anyone to kill Sean Cassidy; CFad did not plant a pipe bomb at his home; CFAD did not fire on his home in 2008; Cfad did not paint any graffiti on walls about him; CFAD did not phone him to extort money.
CFAD states categorically that if Sean believes we did any of the above, he should phone the PSNI and name the CFAD individuals he believes to be involved.
However CFAD did meet Sean in a car on the Westland Road. We also asked Sean to come forward in the sanctuary of the chapel to reveal anything he knew about the importation and distribution of drugs.
CFAD knows that criminal elements did attempt to extract money from Sean and that this occurred both by phone and through face to face threats by known criminal elements in Ardoyne.
CFAD met with political representatives of groups allegedly connected to these individuals and informed the groups of the names of the people involved in extortion.
CFAD states clearly that it has no influence over people or groups who seek to exploit our efforts to tackle the drugs scourge.
As for Sean, he admitted that he personally snorted £100,000 of cocaine. Sean needs to explain how he funded this drug habit. He also needs to tell his family and friends the whole truth and stop them from making fools of themselves in the streets. Ridiculous counter claims against CFAD members’ families are just feeble attempts to deflect the truth.
However CFAD must also say that Sean and many of its members have known each other a long time and were considered friends by both parties. So this is not a vendetta nor a purge against Sean’s family but rather an attempt to tackle an insidious evil which poses a grave threat to our community.
In conclusion let us remind ourselves of Sean’s words last week: ‘no-one more than myself knows the dangers, pain and loss that comes with hard drugs.’
Herein lies the crux of the matter, Sean knows the pain and suffering that drugs cause.
The people dealing in drugs know the destruction caused, turning children into criminals, thugs and thieves dependant on drugs; families turning against each other, mother against son, family against family; loss, pain, suffering and sometimes death. This is reality.
This is Sean’s contradiction, he says he understands, but he won’t come forward and help to end it. If he wants to set the record straight Sean knows what he has to do.
Cassidy Letter to the North Belfast News

13 Year Old Cocaine Users In Ardoyne
Fernando Murphy, a youth worker saw the 13 year-old taking the Class A drug on an Ardoyne street a fortnight ago. Shortly after his shocking discovery, he found another 13 year-old smoking a bong in the same area.
Fernando who has worked with young people for over 16 years said he, ‘never thought anything could get to me the way this has’ before an emotional plea to parents and drug dealers on the issue.‘I want to make a plea to the drug dealers to stop selling drugs to kids, because they are ruining lives for the sake of a few pounds’.
Parents also need to know what is going on in Ardoyne. Some of them seem to think letting their kids drink in the street is okay because they know where they are. But standing about drinking only leads to trying to take drugs and eventually anti-social behaviour’.
Fernando, who was with a trainee youth worker when he witnessed the drug taking, said the student was so shocked by these incidents, she considered giving up youth work altogether, a reaction he said he understood.
Fernando said drug dealers in the area were deliberately targeting young people. ‘Drugs are commonplace in many social circles but this age group is far too young to be dealing with these effects. My own son is nearly 11 – I can’t help thinking if this sort of situation is going to affect him?’
Justine Brown, Health Officer with the North Belfast Partnership supported Fernando’s plea. ‘It has been quite well documented there has been an increase locally in younger folk drinking. Then this leads to more risk-taking behaviour ie: drug taking and sexual activity. It is certainly a growing issue in disadvantaged and deprived communities and is a lot to do with boredom’.
Sunday, 19 April 2009
Do You Need or a Relative Need Help or Advice?
Saturday, 18 April 2009
CFAD Community Action

It has come to our attention that the Hub ‘N’ Bub Car Wash (behind the Jet Garage on the Antrim Road) is owned by two prominent Drug Barons, .............&..........................
We understand that this will cause a great deal of concern amongst customers, neighbours, and businesses’ in the area. The Car Wash has been bought with ill-gotten gains and is used for the delivery, supply and distribution of drugs.
This criminality is taking place facing the Headquarters of the PSNI Drugs Squad. The scourge of drugs is a growing problem which needs to be addressed by us all.
It has come to our attention after weeks of observation that the HUBS ‘N’ BUBS Car Wash is owned by DRUG BARONS; ..............................& .........................as a front to launder the proceeds of their criminal enterprise and fund their lush lifestyles.
It is also being used as a base to deliver, supply and distribute illicit drugs! This is either being done with OR without your knowledge?
You have a duty of care to the men, women and children who use your business and to the wider community in North Belfast without being exposed to dangerous drugs and dangerous criminals!
Immediate action is needed by you to end this vile trade!
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
North Belfast News Claims CFAD Behind Recent Hi-Jackings
A chara,
It is with deep concern and disbelief that CFAD must once more move to dispel false rumours and innuendo regarding our group and its members. The local media; i.e: North Belfast News has reported allegations made by unknown, faceless and nameless sources that our members were involved in Monday's hi-jackings in Ardoyne. For the record let us state the following: - We are a community Group, not an armed group.- We were not involved in any of Monday's actions. -
Our only enemy is the drugs scourge within our area. We are also alarmed at the continuing vilification of our group by members of Sinn Fein. We have to wonder whose agenda this smear campaign best serves. It does not aid this group or the community, but only serves to strengthen the hand of drug dealers within the area. Why would the Party oppose the building of a radical anti-drug movement in Ardoyne? These questions need to be publicly answered, especially considering that we are not anti-Sinn Fein and many of our membership are indeed S/F voters.
It is also worth noting that CFAD members named by Sinn Fein have contacted Solicitors and International Human Rights organisations, in anticipation of continuing harrassment and arrest by the PSNI. Let us end by stating that all this vilification shall not distract us from our overiding aim - ending the drugs scourge in this area through radical community action.Le Meas,
Sunday, 5 April 2009
A Community Responds
During the first half of 2008, drug dealing and associated crime in the Oldpark and Ardoyne areas increased dramatically.
In March, residents handed over 9,000 ecstasy tablets (see back page for photograph) to local Priest, Fr. Gary Donegan and community representatives.
Throughout that summer, Drug Pushers were responsible for a number of vicious beatings. One criminal even of kidnapped a local teenager and demanded money from his parents before freeing him.
These and other incidents forced a number of parents, residents and community activists agreed to consult the community about how best to tackle the problems. A number of public meetings were then held and from them, a new anti-drug group was formed to highlight the problems and pressurise local drug barons.
Since then, over 25 people involved in supplying and distributing drugs in the area have admitted their anti-community activities and agreed to turn their backs on the illegal trade after being confronted and challenged by CFAD.