Monday, 29 November 2010

Drug Dealing Criminal and his Drug Factory Exposed - CFAD

Ardoyne Home Adapted into A Drug Factory
Drugs Evidence Still Evident at 21. Brompton Park, Some Five Days After Factory was Closed-Down by CFAD

Lighting and cultivated Cannabis plants in 21. Brompton Park

Charge Sheets Belonging to the Occupant of 21. Brompton Park, Seamus Baker.

Charged With Burglary, Assault and Disorderly Behaviour, Seamus Baker

On Monday 23rd, November 2010, a group of local residents discovered a drug factory operating in 21. Brompton Park, Ardoyne. They then handed CFAD over a dozen cultivated Cannabis plants and a substantial amount of Cocaine which were photographed before the Cocaine was immediately destroyed. CFAD then took the plants to Holy Cross Monastery for safe disposal.

Given an incorrect story published in the North Belfast News (25/11/10) regarding the Occupant of the above address. Concerned Families Against Drugs pose the following questions to the local Media and other Agencies who had knowledge of this incident:
Question: Were they aware that a drug factory was operating at the above address?
Question: Were they aware that Seamus Baker is on bail for robbing the homes of vunerable members of our community?
Question: Are they aware that he is out on bail for assault?
Question: Are they aware that one week after the discovery of this drug factory, that the PSNI have yet to remove the apparatus and remainder of drugs which remain at this address?
Question: Why has this man not been arrested and charged with cultivating and possessing Class A and Class C drugs?
Question: Why have the above facts not been exposed to the Ardoyne community? Is there a hidden political agenda at play by the local Media and other Agencies?

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Another Ardoyne Drug Pusher Closed-Down

Yesterday 23/11/10, Concerned Families Against Drugs was handed a substantial quantity of Cocaine and a dozen or so cultivated Cannabis plants (see photos) by a number of local people in the Ardoyne area. Also taken was other equipment used in the supply of illegal drugs.

CFAD Activist Paddy Larkin, welcomed the move and said the deadly drugs have since been destroyed. He also said the Dealer had been notified by CFAD to close his 'drug factory' immediately and end his immoral involvement in the drugs trade.

CFAD remind all those involved in pushing drugs that their anti-community activities are being closely monitored and we will continue to frustrate and expose these crimes.

Friday, 5 November 2010


Towards the end of October, Concerned Families Against Drugs (CFAD) was contacted by the Republican militant organisation, Oglaigh Na hEireann (O.N.H.) who handed our Activists a large quantity of dangerous drugs which they seized from a West Belfast Drug Baron. The group asked us to not only publically highlight the availability of lethal drugs in working-class areas across Belfast but also destroy the batch thus ensuring that young people wouldn't be poisioned.
Soon after, CFAD contacted the Irish News and asked if the paper wanted the story and photograph one of our Activists destroying the drugs. CFAD subsequently gave a statement to the Irish News Journalists and was photographed destroying the drugs in their presence.
CFAD have now been informed that the Activist photographed faces prosecution for possession of drugs. We view this threat from the PSNI and PPS as nothing more than political policing at its worst. Particularly given the fact that well-known Drug Barons openly live in properties and freely swan about in their flash cars paid for through the proceeds of serious crime.
Since our formation in 2008, the PSNI and so-called Criminal Justice System have failed miserably to tackle the increase in the supply of dangerous drugs onto our streets. CFAD's record speaks for itself and people who live in Nationalist areas of North Belfast know only too well, the positive impact our anti-drugs campaign has had. We will not be threatened by possible hilarious charges from the State and continue to expose anti-community criminals who prey on our youth.
CFAD suggest, that the negative energies of the PSNI and PPS would be better spent questioning their inactivity in seriously combating drugs and related crime in working-class communities across North Belfast.