At lunchtime today, CFAD delivered the following leaflets and letter to inform the wider community that a garage on the Antrim Road in North Belfast was being used/owned by two prominent drug barons to fund their lavish lifestyles and to also deliver and supply illicit drugs! After picketing the premise's for a time, we also picketed a second front used by one of these pushers on the Cliftonville Road. On behalf of CFAD, I'd like to thank those anti-drug activists from the IRSP, Eirigi, RNU and especially CoCAD from Dublin for taking part.
It has come to our attention that the Hub ‘N’ Bub Car Wash (behind the Jet Garage on the Antrim Road) is owned by two prominent Drug Barons, .............&..........................
We understand that this will cause a great deal of concern amongst customers, neighbours, and businesses’ in the area. The Car Wash has been bought with ill-gotten gains and is used for the delivery, supply and distribution of drugs.
This criminality is taking place facing the Headquarters of the PSNI Drugs Squad. The scourge of drugs is a growing problem which needs to be addressed by us all.
Signed; Concerned Families Against Drugs
It has come to our attention after weeks of observation that the HUBS ‘N’ BUBS Car Wash is owned by DRUG BARONS; ..............................& .........................as a front to launder the proceeds of their criminal enterprise and fund their lush lifestyles.
It is also being used as a base to deliver, supply and distribute illicit drugs! This is either being done with OR without your knowledge?
You have a duty of care to the men, women and children who use your business and to the wider community in North Belfast without being exposed to dangerous drugs and dangerous criminals!
Immediate action is needed by you to end this vile trade!