Last month in it's 22ND report, the Independent Monitoring Commission (IMC) alleged that Concerned Families Against Drugs (CFAD) were, 'a vigilante group who was responsible for a number of punishment shootings and pipe-bombings of suspected Drug Dealers' in the North Belfast area.
Although, we were surprised and dismayed at these unfounded allegations, given that the IMC had not contacted CFAD before issuing its report. CFAD complained to the IMC through our legal representative and were subsequently invited to meet with the IMC today (8/12/09).
The meeting itself was courteous despite the 'charges' being levelled against us by the IMC. We were glad to have been able to put our case forward to the nine Commissioners and left them in no doubt about the growing scourge of drugs and associated crime in our community. We also informed them of our group's success in exposing Drug Dealers to the wider community and how, two leading Dealers had been able to purchase and run a garage directly facing Antrim Road Barracks in which the RUC/PSNI Drug Squad have its offices.
We also made the point of how some so-called Community Workers who are also members of North Belfast Sinn Fein who have been deeply involved a smear campaign against our group and activists. Instead of helping to produce the resources needed to tackle deprivation and hopelessness in working-class areas such as, Ardoyne. CFAD also detailed the lack of targeting of known drug dealers by the RUC/PSNI in the area and how these parasites were still able to swan about the area in their flash cars selling children dangerous drugs. While some of these teenagers were now addicated to these substances and had involved themselves in serious criminality to fund their habits.
Finally, CFAD told how to date none of its members had been arrested, questioned or charged with any illegal activities connected to our anti-drug campaign. We now await the IMC's findings and hope an apology is included.